Solar Beacon

Solar Beacon is a temporary sculpture installation that is designed to be installed on a grand scale.  The sculpture is made up of 500 solar lighted totems creating a spectacular light display at night and a colorful display much like tall flowers during the day.


The installation is made of plastic discs that are attached to 1/2” painted pvc tubing and installed over rebar in the ground. Solar powered LED lights are attached atop of the colored discs. The individual  beacons  are placed in a circular shape measuring about 70’ outside diameter,40’ inside diameter and 10’ wide. Each unit is between 8- 10’ tall and 12”-24” wide. People can interact with the installation by walking in and around the illuminants  blending the people and the installation into one large presentation. During the day and into the evening, the sculptures provide a colorful and illuminated presence for the festival transforming from day into night, beacons of colored light.